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Design that trends.

  • Writer's pictureyangyidie

Ton Design Team‘s The Salt Chair

The Salt Chair可能是你在餐厅或是咖啡店里看见过最常见的椅子了。这把椅子可以有效的利用空间,在固定的空间里,比其他的椅子防止更多的数量。这样不加装饰和多余元素的椅子更是能够让这把椅子在将近十年的时光里依然乐此不疲的为人所用。这把椅子是西餐餐桌上的撒盐罐子一样寻常的必需品,所以才有了这样的名字。盐系这样冷淡的性格也和这把椅子的外形完美契合,也许和salt的命名也是个巧合吧。

The compact footprint of the Salt Chair (2009) makes it a smart choice for cafés or just about anywhere you need to maximize seating. Unlike chairs that have widely splayed legs, a Salt Chair can be placed side by side with another without wasting space in between. Its lack of ornamentation and unnecessary excess lends this timeless, Shaker-style chair a modern feel. And no, it’s not named after its color – until recently, it’s been available only in black. Rather, it owes its title to being as fundamental as the salt shaker on your table. Constructed of solid oak or finished in a water-based opaque paint that really makes the chair’s profile pop, Salt is unpretentious, familiar and made for everyday use.


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