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Design that trends.

Writer's pictureyangyidie

Tom Dixon's Dixon Copper Pendant

今天要介绍的是由设计大师Tom Dixon设计的Dixon Copper Pendant。他是当代英国工业设计的代表,亦是位专注材质、重视技术、融合文化、精于推广的全方位设计人。 这款灯具有光洁的黄酮构成,如镜面般反光,折射出温暖明亮的光线。灯体下方的开口,也是的灯光能汇集在正下方。

Immaculately polished, the Tom Dixon Copper Pendant scales down the wildly popular Copper series in to a highly reflective and conductive globe of warm light. Created by vacuum metallizing layers of copper to the surface of polycarbonate, the shade is able to achieve the look of solid metal through a technically savvy and industrial process. The base of the sphere is left open, allowing a direct spot of light to shine directly below.

Design: Dixon Copper Pendant

Designer: Tom Dixon


Material: Vacuum-metallized Copper and Polycarbonate Shade


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