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Design that trends.

  • Writer's pictureyangyidie

Strand+Hvass‘s Chill-Out Coffee Table

今天要介绍的是由丹麦设计组合Strand+Hvass设计,Cane-line出品的Chill-Out Coffee Table - Dual Height。Cane-line致力于生产美感与功能性共存的室外家具。这款桌子由铝制成,可同时供休闲娱乐,以及办公两种场合使用。也可以将其作为餐座使用,怎么样,有没有很喜欢呢?

The Chill-out coffee table, dual height is made in aluminium. Can be used as a lounge coffee as well as an office table.  You can also use the Chill-out coffee table as a practical dining table. 

The Chill-out coffee table is designed by the Danish designers Strand+Hvass


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