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Design that trends.

  • Writer's pictureyangyidie

Michele De Lucchi ‘s Pulcina Italian espresso maker

Pulcina Italian espresso maker的制造聚集了三大意大利巨头,由设计大师 Michele De Lucchi 设计,Alessi公司出品,而客户则是意大利焙烤咖啡公司Illy。这款名叫Pulcina 的咖啡壶,具有圆形,且具有梯形的外忙,让人印象十分深刻。而内部结构也凝聚了Illy公司数年来制作咖啡的精密技术,保证了优质咖啡的供给。而它的出水口也由鸡喙为灵感,制作出可以完美倾倒并完美停止,倾倒不会有多余水珠滴出。

Pulcina has been born out of a meeting of three Italian giants, namely the Italian coffee roasting company Illy, the master of design Michele De Lucchi and the producer Alessi. From the outside, Pulcina makes a strong impression by its round, cut-out form whereas the real precision work can be found inside. It took several years of research with Illy to develop the technology for obtaining the best coffee possible. The water tank in a spherical form and narrowed at the top has been developed so that there is a space where the air is put under pressure before the water starts boiling – for a more natural and intense taste of coffee. Both tanks have been built “in stairs” which are made of different materials of different thickness, adapted to warming and cooling phases of preparing coffee. Pulcina automatically stops filtering in the right moment, eliminating the last phase that normally causes a bitter and burned taste of coffee. The spout, inspired by the form of chicken’s beak, has been invented to perfectly pour coffee without spilling a single drop. Enjoy!


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