今天要介绍的是由塞浦路斯设计师Michael Anastassiades设计的IC F1 Floor Lamp。Michael Anastassiades先后在英国皇家艺术学院和帝国理工大学学习工业设计和工程。他的作品时常介于工业和雕塑之间。用材也时常采用几何形状的反光材料,如抛光黄铜或是镜面。这款灯由吹制玻璃和金属框架固定而成。尽管使用这样一款有些惊心的造型,让人感觉灯马上要掉下来似的,但依然带给人们十足的优雅感和平衡感。
Anastassiades’ pieces can be found in hotels, restaurants and shops worldwide, including the SoHo House New York, the Grand Hôtel Stockholm and Sergio Rossi boutiques. The IC Lamp possesses the poetic grace and balance that characterize all of his pieces, consisting of a blown glass diffuser mounted on an ultra-thin yet stable frame. Positioned in a seemingly precarious manner, as if it’s ready to drop any moment, the perched sphere lends captivating tension to the design.
Design:IC F1 Floor Lamp
Designer:Michael Anastassiades
Material:Brass frame with clear finish or steel frame with chrome finish; frosted blown glass diffuser