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Design that trends.

  • Writer's pictureyangyidie

Jesús Gasca‘s Onda Counter Stool

今天要介绍的是由西班牙设计师Jesús Gasca设计,西班牙家具公司Stua出品的Onda Counter Stool。Gasca正是Stua的创始人和首席设计师。这家公司主张通过精致的设计,使用环保的材料来改善提高居所。这款凳子拥有完美的人体工学流线型,为使用者提供优秀的使用体验。并且,当椅子需要被拆解时,它的每一个部分也是百分百可回收的。

The team from Stua, a furniture company based in Spain, recently came to the U.S. to make a book of photography featuring their furniture. The museum where they decided to photograph the Onda Collection (2006) was chosen "because it is one of the most famous museums in the world," says Jesús Gasca. "It also reflects the personality of Stua – we like our furniture to be full of curves." To honor the museum's copyright, we won't mention its name, but we can tell you that when the museum's director stopped by during the photoshoot, he was so taken by how great the Onda looked in his space that he asked if he could keep them there. Museum visitors can now enjoy the glove-like fit and lumbar support of Onda, the stool with a wave-like form that hugs the small of your back. Made in Spain.

  • The Onda Counter stool mimics the curves of the human body.

  • The swiveling seat is available in two finishes: a white molded plastic seat or a soft rubber "skin" molded to the shell for superior durability.

  • When disassembled, Onda parts are 100% recyclable.


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