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Design that trends.

  • Writer's pictureyangyidie

Elise Fouin‘s Papillon Pendant

今天要介绍的是由法国设计师Elise Fouin设计,Forestier出品的Papillon Pendant 。他同时涉猎于室内设计,以及灯具等方面的产品设计。这款灯具由金属丝弯曲而成,从成优雅的几何形状。并且在光线中,这样的灯光可以形成独特而好看的阴影空间。

"Designed by Elise Fouin, this stunning ""Butterfly"" suspension has a poetic design and a slight silhouette. Consisting of an aerial structure made of three domes, black lacquered metal wires tangle and create beautiful geometric shapes for a fifties spirit. The light filtering through the wires offers beautiful lighting like a play of shadows and lights."


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